Compact Boilers

  • We service and repair all makes of Nightstor and Compact electric central heating boilers nationwide.
  • Most repairs are carried out within 48 hours.
  • Fixed-price repairs.
  • Speak directly to an engineer.
  • 20 years Nightstor and Compact experience.
  • Bank and public holidays covered.
  • All work and repairs are fully guaranteed.
Compact boilers

The Compact boiler, which was originally designed and manufactured by GEC Engineering. Compact boilers store heat generated from low host off peak electricity in a zeolite core. When hot water is required, an integral fan passes over the core and over air to water heat exchanger in a closed loop, which produces the hot water that is circulated around the heating system by an integral pump. These boilers are compatible with any form of low pressure hot water (LPHW) central heating systems. In commercial settings, boilers can be banked together producing a larger amount of heat when required.

If you are looking for GEC Compact 45, GEC Compact 65 or the APECS Compact 45 and APECS Compact 65 please do not hesitate to contact us today as we can assist you with all aspects of the Compact boilers.

Contact Us

For more information about Compact boilers, please don't hesitate to ​get in touch with us.
